Sunday, October 3, 2021

Homework Assignment 3


 We all hear about pollution turning into a concerning problem and how we should all recycle to save more energy and protect the environment. But why is recycling important? The best solution which could benefit both humans and the environment is recycling. This process helps to convert waste into useful products again, saving up on energy and reducing the process of cutting down trees and other natural resources.

"Recycling! Is it BS?, by how to save a planet"

As I'm listening to the podcast, the team talks about the aluminum can and that one stands out to me right away because i'm a person that drinks soda often as well as a lot of people. "once you make an aluminum can u can pretty much melt it down and make another aluminum can from it pretty much forever". This is good for people to listen to because making what they call "Virgile aluminum" as suppose to "recycle aluminum" it's both really hard and really polluting due to the fact that u have to mind it in a form of something called box site (a kind of rock) and then you have to chemically abstract it through something known as the "bear process", which takes up a lot of energy through the whole process. "it is so energy intensive that a Recycle Aluminum can has a 95% smaller carbon footprint than making that same can from Virgile aluminum"

Recycle Aluminum                                                        Virgile Aluminum

In every state there are slightly different rules on what type of things u can recycle, but in New York, metal of all kind such as cans, aluminum foil, empty Arizona cans, metal caps/lids, household metal items, pots, tools and etc, can be put in the recycling bin. Even furniture or cabinets can go as long as they fit. The only exception is electronics because electronics often have lots of toxic, wacky things attached to it, which makes it hard for you to pull the metal outta it.

                                                       Recycling Glass

Glass like metals can be recycled forever, you just melt it down from beginning to end. There are some caveat, glass cookware like pyrex shouldn't go in the bin because it's been treated to its withstand heat, so it makes it harder to melt it down and things like windshield has a plastic layer that also can't go in the recycling bin. Bear glass bottles is an exception too, those can pretty much be recycled forever.

Glas aus Aufbereitungsanlage blau - glass cullet blue flash (Alter Fritz).JPG

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