Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Devastating Pacific Northwest Flood

Atmospheric River Brings Massive Flooding To Pacific Northwest
Atmospheric River Brings Massive Flooding To Pacific Northwest

The rainfall has been described as one of the most impact flooding to hit the region in a century, the outcome of this flood was a very critical to all of the people who lived in this region. "Floodwaters across western Washington state and British Columbia swamped homes, swept away vehicles, destroyed roads and highways, and cut off railroads. At least four people were killed by mudslides and nearly 20,000 were displaced by the floods". When something like this happens i feel like you lose hope and forget all the good things that's going on in life, you rarely see stuff like this happen and when it does occur, you can't sit back and be like "wow i lost everything", life doesn't stop and it's almost like you have to quickly readjust and get back on your feet to fix the problem you have now and think of ways to survive again. 

"The storms that caused last week’s flooding were brought by a weather system known as an “atmospheric river”—a narrow band of moisture streaming through the air. Atmospheric rivers can stretch long distances across the globe, and they’re known to dump heavy rain or snow when they make landfall."

One of the Canadian officials called this tragedy "Once in a 500 year event" and that's perfectly stated, you never really think of preparing for this stuff, it just kind of appear and you have to work your way around it and think of ways on the fly on how you can defeat this challenge. 

With that being said the aftermath of all this could end up being good for you because you dealing with this already will only make you a strong minded person i feel like. If another awful flood was to happen again, you'd be prepared and have some knowledge on how you can take care of it.

                                                    My Personal life

For me personally i never had to deal with something like this in my life but by reading this and something i took from the reading is you can't take the things in life for granted, you never know what's next but for me, I was always taught to stay prepared and maintaining a good level of knowledge on what's going on around the world, so if a huge flood was to happen right now while I'm at school, I feel like i got the right group of people around me to figure out how to work around this obstacle to survive. Obviously it won't be easy but one thing I do know is I won't quit until me and my partners make it out the situation we have to go through.

                            People trying to survive during a huge flood outbreak



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