Saturday, December 18, 2021

Air Pollution decrease in India


  • Exposure to polluted air is linked to a number of health effects. Some of these are: worsened asthma, hospitalizations, and even premature death related to heart and lung disease. Toxic air pollutants emitted from cars, trucks and industry can also cause cancer. Pollution in the air causes problems for aviation because it reduces visibility, while also being responsible for damaging buildings and other structures. Pollutants in the air can end up in natural water supplies that humans use for drinking, which can result in water that is toxic and unhealthy for humans to consume.

"As the national lockdown in India reduced major urban sources of air pollution, such as traffic, industry and construction, it gave the researchers an opportunity to study the contribution of local sources of air pollutants during normal meteorological conditions." I feel like what India did here having a lockdown so they can figure out how to solve this problem was very beneficial to all of the surrounding people. India has one of the worst air pollution in the world, so by doing this will only keep the people safe.

Air Pollution in India (Picture taking by Mark Danielson)

This is huge because it's something that we use to constantly talk about in class and how our humans have such a big impact on the environment. "The majority of air pollution is the result of human activities. For example, increased fossil fuel combustion from motor vehicles, industrial factories and power plants all pump large quantities of air pollutants, such as carbon monoxide, ozone and nitrous oxides, into the atmosphere. Other air pollutants, such as lead-based compounds, can lead to serious health effects like cancer, or other types of reproductive effects and birth defects." Any activity which reduces water and energy consumption can lead to positive impacts on our environment, so by finding more ways to do that will only make us successful as a whole.

India Air Pollution
Some people being affected by the air pollution 

"Air pollution already kills 3.3 million people a year" and the fact that the number could increase even more in the years to come is just a scary feeling to me. For people to be living in this type of situation really makes no sense. I feel like the ones who are suppose to be in charge and helping our living status isn't doing all they can with the amount of resources we have and the majority of the times it really shows.

Well thank god I never experienced anything like this and hopefully I don't have to ever. What I can take from this though is finding ways to prevent this from happening. Conserve energy, remember to turn off lights, computers, and electric appliances when not in use. Also use energy efficient light bulbs and appliances. Participate in your local utility’s energy conservation programs. There are many ways to prevent air pollution, we all have to do a better job using our minds and stopping stuff like this from happening, we have to do a better job thinking about one another so we can all live the life we want to as safe as possible. 

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Air Pollution decrease in India

  Exposure to polluted air is linked to a number of health effects. Some of these are: worsened asthma, hospitalizations, and even premature...